Its very easy to get on out weekly mailing list.

Just send an email with the Contact Form

Contact Form

We’ll do the rest, if you want to be removed from the list send a message to the same address with ‘Unsubscribe’ in the subject field.

How to get on the List

We fully appreciate that this radio show can only function with the good will of all the artists, record labels, producers and promoters that send us material. And frankly we’re very grateful to you all.

We provide the weekly playlist for you information, it allows you to accurately track the music we play and the results of your promotional activities. It also gives you guidance over the type of music we play, before you send us CD’s etc.

We promise not to, in any way, sell or reveal your contact details to any third parties. The mailing list we hold will only be used to mail out these weekly lists and very occasional information relating to the show.

Our weekly mail shot to artists, promoters & producers

The Crooked Road Weekly Playlist
