British Commercial Radio does not sit well with the sort of music we play. Even though literally thousands of people young and old enjoy it, flock to festivals and concerts to hear it and buy by by the basket full.

As a result shows like ours appear in the schedules of the smaller community based stations. Which is great because most of them, Swindon 105.5 included now broadcast to the world via their web streams. We have listeners all over the British Isles, North America, Australia and New Zealand.

The Crooked Road has been around, here are some of our homes

The original home of the show in County Clare, Tim Dennehay was the original presenter

Clare FM

Digital only (DAB) station that ran in Swindon for two years from 2003 to 2005.

Swindon fm

Stroud College’s long running student station. Mike was their Head of Media Studies. Over 7 RSL’s the show clocked up 140 editions.

Easy FM

Full time community FM station serving Swindon and North Wiltshire. Current home of The Crooked Road. Also on DAB in Spring 2024

Swindon 105.5

Stroud’s first full time local radio station, launched in 1999. The Crooked Road was an integral feature of it’s music programming.

FM 107 The Falcon

Swindon’s community Christian station, ran every two years around Pentecost. The Crooked Road has contributed to six out of the eight broadcasts.

Flame FM